(=^・ω・^=) Meow Owen

Complaints from a Cat

As a street cat, I have several complains that I would like human beings to address. I hope this writing of mine can become a valuable perspective to any human being who read this.

  1. Walkable city and neighborhood

There is not enough sidewalks! Even if there is a sidewalk, you humans chose to make narrow sidewalk that only fits for one human being. Worse, some folks occupied a large part of the sidewalk to open up a shop!

Sidewalks should be everywhere, instead there are more cars and motorbikes!

Meow! Meow! Meow!

A small cat like me can only meow and walk with my paws. We are always risking our lives to be hit by cars and motorbikes whether we are just walking or crossing the road as safely as possible.

  1. Language barrier

We cats rule the world We cats are everywhere and can be found around the world. You humans see us everyday, on the streets, in your friend's house, in the boat, even in stores, yet none of you can understand us very well. I had to learn English in order to understand your species. Later, I found out that humans speak in different languages around the world. How complex the world is!

As a cat, I believe our language is simpler and more universal in nature, thus this can be included as one of your academic subjects.

  1. More greenery please?

Unfortunately for us cats, we are unable to take off our fur in the same sense as you humans can take off your shirt and pants.

When the weather is hot, we can only find cooler spots or places such as staying under tree. Sometimes, other humans beings complain that we take shelter under the car, that is simply because you humans kept reducing the trees and destroying the local parks.

I think humans and cats can agree that we need more greenery to counter the unbearable heat.

  1. Money

I am a cat, I cannot hold money perfectly as you humans. This is a big issue for me since majority of affairs in the human world revolves around money.

Need Whiskas from the shop? I need money
Need to travel far? I need money
Need to compensate a human being for typing my words and ideas? I need money

At the very least, human beings hear my meows when I need to enter a shop or other places.

  1. The keyboard

There is no keyboard that is specially designed for a cat like me. Sometimes I require the help of a human to type my words and ideas.
